This week we are excited to welcome two new exhibits to our spaces! There will be an Opening Reception & Artist Talk held this Thursday, September 6 from 5-7pm - your chance to meet the artists and hear the fascinating backstories behind their work and inspiration. We hope to see you all then! Free admission & refreshments, cash wine bar.
Axel Stohlberg - Short Stories
An exhibit of assemblages and 2d work, Axel combines everyday found objects in unique and intriguing ways, each assemblage telling a story - from "Carpenter's Dreams" to "One Morning While Raking." Fun, unexpected, cultural commentary... all within a vintage cigar box.
Morrisville - Favorite Places
From fireworks exploding over the dam, popsicle colored bicycles congregating along the rail trail, to mountains peaking through iconic rooflines, this exhibit includes 12 local artists with a passion for photography, and Morrisville!
River Arts Office & Gallery Hours: Sunday-Friday 9am-4pm
Contact Us: 74 Pleasant Street, Morrisville, (802) 888-1261,,