Marshfield Harvest Festival from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Free Family Friendly Activities: face painting, cider pressing, pop-corn popping, arts and crafts, field games, music Cold Country Blue Grass and more! Book sale, Bake sale, horse and wagon rides, yard sale, craft sale and 50/50 raffle. "Chili-Cook-off": 11:00 am - 1:30 pm in our "Chili tent" and then vote for your best tasting chili and the cook will win a prize!! Salads and corn bread will complement the chili. $8 adults and $4 children. Barbecue if you don't like chili: hamburgers from local farm, hot dogs and veggie burgers will be for sale. Slide show and talk about the ten cemeteries of Marshfield. (Sponsored by the Marshfield Historical Society). Old Schoolhouse Common, 122 School St. Marshfield 05658 For info: or 802-426-3581