Harvest Fest at Athens Brick Meetinghouse

Past event
Sep 22, 2018, 2 to 5 PM

The Athens Brick Meetinghouse will be the site of a Harvest Fest on September 22, 2018 starting at 2 PM. After the success of the Brick Meetinghouse 200th Birthday Celebration last year, we decided to make this BBQ and gathering an annual event.

Join us on the Meetinghouse Common starting at 2:00 PM for some fun, games and a chance to catch up with neighbors or make new acquaintances. There will be music, horseshoes, fun activities for kids of all ages, and lots of raffle prizes. The BBQ will be served up at 3 PM, with dessert to follow, while winners are drawn for the many great items being raffled off, including 2 cords of firewood!

The Meetinghouse is historically significant to the Windham County region, and particularly the twelve towns which comprised the "Old Athens Circuit" - Grafton, Rockingham, Townshend, Londonderry, Weston, Chester, Acton, Springfield, Landgrove, Windham, Putney and Mt. Holly. Circuit preachers from Athens, traveled out to these twelve towns to perform religious services. Quarterly camp meetings with the Methodist congregants from these towns often lasted two days at the Athens Meetinghouse also known as the "Mother Church." This historic landmark will be open for tours during this event. Suggested donation for the BBQ dinner is $10 , kids 10 and under are free. All proceeds support ongoing work to preserve this historic landmark.

For more information contact Sherry Maher at 802-869-2141 or email at athensmeetinghouse1817@gmail.com, or follow Athens Meetinghouse on Facebook.

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