Dowser's Gathering

Past event
Sep 8, 2018, 10 AM to 12:30 PM

Dowsers of Central Vermont
Now gathering every 2nd Saturday of the Month
September 8, 2018 10am-12:30pm
@ BALE in South Royalton
Alternating with Upper Valley Coop in White River
October 13, 2018 10am-12:30pm

All are invited!
Come learn how to dowse and meet some fellow dowsers in your area. Our first annual gathering you will learn:

How Dowsing Can Change Your LifeDowsing is a tool of discovery. A way to open up beyond your senses to the world around you. Some forms of dowsing have been around for over 7,000 years and the Bible calls it Divination. Dowsing takes on many different protocols and uses different tools depending of the culture, technique and application.

In today's talk, we will share with you some knowledge and experiences with dowsing. How it can help you grow a better garden, find water, balance energies, improve your health, best location for bees, clear out any toxic energies and much more. It is endless what you can do with dowsing. We will cover the different types of tools and how they are used with a demonstration and teaching some valuable techniques that are simple and useful for day to day dowsing. We will have time to explore and experience how to dowse so come ready to play. Bring a pendulum, dowsing rods, and a bobber if you have them. We will have some available for you to use and purchase. Promises to be fun and enlightening! Other experienced dowsers available to assist you! All welcome even if you know how to dowse.

Please pre-register; space limited
$5.00 minimum donation to cover costs
Where: BALE 35 S Windsor St, South Royalton, Vermont
For questions and to register contact

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