The City's Planning Commission is considering land use zoning and policy changes to the Municipal Development Plan (the Plan), as part of its required renewal by September 2019. The changes may affect how you live, work, shop or play in the City.
A Public Forum will be held on Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 7:00pm in the Vergennes Opera House, to hear your ideas and concerns. All are welcome and all are encouraged to attend!
If you have concerns abouit the affordability, availability or design of new housing in the City of Vergennes, this is you chance to weigh in. If you oppose or support more dense development patterns within the City, this is your chance to weigh in.
Please come join the Planning Commission for a presentation and discussion of the changes being considered to the Plan, voice your opinions, meet your neighbors, and enjoy delicious refreshments and fabulous door prizes generously provided by 3 Squares Café, Daily Chocolate, Hired Hand Brewing Co, and Shacksbury Cider.
For more information and updates throughout the Plan's renewal process, please visit The Plan is available electronically online and in hardcopy in the City Clerk's Office. Please provide your comments, questions, complaints, new ideas or suggestions at the Public Forum or via email to: