Dinner/Variety Show at Bristol Federated Church

Past event
Aug 26, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

The Bristol Federated Church community has recently discovered that their roof is in need of major repair and that the bill for stage one of the work will amount to $40,000. They are turning to the wider community for help.

'Community' has always been a byword of the Bristol Federated Church ministry. Many families, both within and outside the congregation, have turned to the church as a resource for weddings and funerals. AA, NA, and Easter Seal groups hold meetings under its roof. Coffee & Conversation are a regular feature on Thursday mornings. Hot chocolate, candy, and bathrooms are on offer to Halloween throngs. Help - moral, financial, and physical - is there for anybody in the greater community who needs it.

The first step in raising money for the roof will take place on Sunday, August 26. The church at 37 North St will host a buffet dinner and music/comedy variety show featuring Ali Dawson & Mark Gibson, Robin Hewitt, Vernita & Tim Weller, and Diana Bigelow & Jim Stapleton. Dinner will be at 6 pm with a suggested donation of $10. The variety show begins at 7pm, also with a $10 donation. The dinner/variety show package is $15. Children under 10 are free. So, come one, come all! For more information, call 453-2379.

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