Tending the Web: a Retreat on Grief and Gratitude

Past event
Sep 16, 2018, 11 AM to 5 PM

We live in challenging and extraordinary times, tasked with bearing witness to the unprecedented destruction of our world's social and ecological systems. For those of us engaged in Earth-sustaining, justice-seeking, and change-making work, it is critical to develop practices to care for our hearts, weather the storms, and grow our capacity to navigate the times we live in with purpose and compassion.

Tending the Web is a day-long retreat designed for activists, change-makers, cultural workers and caregivers to process our grief for the state of the world in order to be more present, engaged, and powerful forces for change.

The retreat is based in The Work That Reconnects, a framework developed by Buddhist activist, systems theorist and deep ecologist Johanna Macy. The work is grounded in gratitude and connection, and honors the grief we feel for the Earth and our fellow beings. Feeling the pain of the world is not a sign of weakness, but an indication that we are alive and connected to the web of life. By feeling, acknowledging, and moving through our grief, we can become fully engaged in the healing of the world. When we metabolize our grief, we come out on the other side renewed, with more space for creativity, connection and engagement.

This event will be held at VCIH (252 Main street) on Sunday, Sept 16th from 11am-5pm. Tickets are $25 - $55, and if cost is prohibitive please be in touch. Space is limited! To register and reserve your spot, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tending-the-web-a-retreat-on-grief-gratitude-tickets-49197122919

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