Have you been thinking you'd like to get involved in the community? MACC wants you! It doesn't require a ton of time, the meetings are only 1 hour long once a month and we do really cool projects in the downtown. Check them out at www.maccvt.org
Our board meeting is next Monday night and we'd love you to stop in and hear about what projects MACC is planning and how we are going to get there.
MACC Agenda
Aug. 20, 2018, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Tegu Building
Old Business:
1. Around Town update
~Downtown boardwalk
2. Strategic Plan (see below)
New Business:
1. Board Positions: suggestions to two fill empty seats
2. Other
NEXT MEETING: Sept. 17, 4:30pm, upstairs in the Tegu Building
Strategic Plan
Things to consider as we consider the top 5 proposed projects:
1. Trees in downtown/ create more green space
2. Art on the Rail Trail
3. Increase membership
4. Change zoning laws to incorporate art in every aspect of any improvement in town
5. Invest in signage all over downtown
Proposed projects:
1. Change zoning laws to incorporate art in every aspect of any improvement in town (happening Summer 2018)
2. Accentuate the views from town
3. Invest in signage all over downtown (Summer 2018)
-wayfinding signage
4. Trees in downtown/ create more green space
5. Incubator for entrepreneurs
6. Trash Amnesty Day
7. Art on the Rail Trail
8. Mural on the Agway Building/Morrisville Lumber
9. Morrisville Magazine
10. Increase membership
11. Increase volunteers
Ongoing projects:
1. RocktoberFest 2. Festival of Lights 3. Firefly Festival 4. Beautification (winter, summer)
5. Plaques 6. History and Art Walking Tour 7. Website 8. Chair-Art-Able