The Shelburne Village Pedestrian Safety Group will be tabling at the August 18 (this Saturday) Shelburne Farmer's Market. Please stop and say hello. We are sponsoring an exciting contest. The person who submits the best idea for making Shelburne more pedestrian and/or bike friendly will win a $25 gift certificate to the Shelburne Farms store. No purchase is necessary to enter the contest; one entry per household. Just come by the table and share your idea. YOU could win!
The Village Pedestrian Safety Group is an ad hoc group of village residents who have been meeting monthly since July 2016. Our mission is to actively work toward the creation of a culture of safe year-round walkability and connectivity in the village core. This includes, but is not limited to, safe paths, sidewalks and crosswalks, bicycle routes and vehicular traffic that adheres to speed limits and complies with crosswalk laws. We value collaborative relationships with town employees and elected officials, volunteer committees and board and the general public. While safety is our top priority, we also strive for changes that add aesthetic value to an already charming village core.
Hope to see you at the Market on Saturday.
Mar 12, 2025, 5 to 6:30 PM
Fundraiser Babysitting NightMar 14, 2025, 5 to 8 PM
Stitch and Spin at Russell Memorial LibraryMar 16, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM