Pitkin St residents' help is needed to make this happen. We need your signatures!
In order for us to block off the road, the police require that we get signatures from 75% of the households on the street. This is a new requirement and a bit cumbersome. Please help us by stopping by 21 Pitkin St today (if possible) to sign the sheet they provided. Come in the front porch (there's a Black Lives Matter sign on the door) and you'll see a clipboard right in front of you.
On Sunday, please bring:
1- a dish to share (a list of ingredients will help anyone with food allergies/restrictions)
2- your own plate, utensils, and a mug (we'll provide coffee)
3- any games or activities you'd like!
See you this Sunday, 10am-12:00, for our potluck brunch party in the street! All are welcome to join us.
On behalf of your ad hoc planning committee: Roxanne, Emily, Ira, and Rachel