Argentine Tango Saturday Feb. 15

Past event
Feb 15, 2014

Join Queen City Tango at the Shelburne Town Hall on Saturday, February 15 for our Valentine Weekend Milonga and wear something red! Enjoy the warm embrace of Argentinian Tango as you sweep around the floor to live music from “Lotango”, ( Michel Lajeuness on accordion and Darienne Oaks on vocals and violin), as well as DJ Elizabeth Seyler. The evening will open with a free beginner lesson from 7-7:45 pm, taught by Elizabeth Seyler, ( Dr. Tango), of Tango Wise. The milonga runs from 8 pm until midnight. Admission is $12 per person. No partner or experience required- just clean, indoor shoes. QCT is LGBTQ supportive. Visit or QueenCityTango on Facebook for more information.

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