Summer Music from Greensboro Concert Aug. 14

Past event
Aug 14, 2018, 7:30 to 9:30 PM

Summer Music from Greensboro ends its 2018 concert series on Tuesday, August 14, with The Dotys, husband-and-wife bass and violin duo, who will perform with a guest pianist, Jeanne Doty. Karl Doty, currently serving on the Dartmouth music faculty, is one of the most versatile bassists of his generation. Liesl Doty is an accomplished violinist who performs actively as a soloist throughout the U.S. and Europe and is also a champion fiddle player. Both are members of the orchestral group A Far Cry. They will perform music by Giovanni Bottesini, Frank Bridge, and Edgar Meyer as well as a collection of fiddle songs. The concert begins at 7:30 pm at the United Church of Christ in Greensboro. Tickets are $20 for adults (youth under 18 are free) and can be purchased at The Miller's Thumb Gallery, online at or at the box office the night of the concert.

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