Cabot Fire Department Open House

Past event
Aug 13, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

Dear Cabot Folks

Cabot Fire Department recently held an open house for folks who never step foot into our building to see the space we operated out of first hand. It was a great turnout. We wish to open the fire house again for any folks that might have been unable to attend the last one or for new folks to see for themselves first hand our current situation. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have at that time and explain some of the frustrations that we are dealing with while providing you the first-class fire protection / emergency services that you all rely on.

The reason behind this movement is the current facility is extremely tight and now inadequate for us to keep providing the service that we do for our community members while being safe ourselves. Blood born viruses that we frequently encounter at almost every call (Hepatitis A, B, HIV) etc. as well as carcinogenic requires space we don't have to properly decontaminate after a call as well as many other issues. We have investigated the possibility of expanding the present site but was declined by the state due to the river bank. To place a second story on the existing structure (that is composed of multiple different buildings) is not an option and with the property lines / road location we can't expand outward if we wanted to.

At the top of our list is overall cost to the towns folks for this move. We (also tax payers) are looking hard into many different grants for the infrastructure of a public safety building. It is our intent to get as much grant funding as possible to help cover the cost of the new building. As you might already know a parcel was purchase by the town that fit all our criteria for a facility site. it is our intent to be "good neighbors" as we continue to work with the potential new adjacent property owners, so every effort is in place to help blend a potential building in.

Please mark your calendar for August 13th from 6-8 pm for the open house. If you cannot attend feel free to contact me at the above address and I will reach out to you the best I can. We have a ballot on the upcoming primary voting day asking for your support: "please continue to work on this project, exploring funding and other options associated with the construction of a badly needed new Fire & Ambulance Service facility".

The Cabot Fire Department has always had the support of the community in the past and we thank you for that.

Vote YES to help those who help you.

Members of the Cabot Fire Department.

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