Celebrate East Poultney Day 2018 by joining St. John's Episcopal Church on August 11 for a choral evensong. The service will begin at 4:00 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, Route 140, East Poultney, Vermont. This sung service will include music from the English Renaissance, including works by Thomas Morley, Thomas Ravenscroft, and Richard Farrent. The prelude will be played on the church's circa 1830 William Nutting pipe organ music that will include compositions by Thomas Tallis, Matthew Locke, and Orlando Gibbons. The service will be led by a choir specially organized for this event. The service is curated by Dr. James Cassarino, Director of the Vocal, Instrumental and Welsh Heritage programs at Green Mountain College. Following the service, light refreshments and fellowship will be offered.
Mar 1, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM
Advanced Directives for Health CareMar 3, 2025, 12:45 to 2 PM
Annual Town Meeting BrandonMar 3, 7 PM to 7 PM, Mar 4, 2025