Ragnar Trail Vermont at Ascutney Trails

Past event
Aug 2 to 4, 2018

Aug 2-4 the Ragnar Trail Vermont Relay will be held on Ascutney Trails. The Ragnar organization creates overnight running events across North America, and for the first time is holding one of their trail relays on the mountain.

All running will take place on the mountain's trails, and the main parking lot on Ski Tow Rd will be used for participant camping.

This is a large event but the organizers and local support personnel are working hard to minimize local impacts during their period of operations, including not impeding traffic under any circumstances, respecting quiet hours at night, and making sure the entire site is fully cleaned up before they depart.

For more information, please visit https://www.runragnar.com/event-detail/trail/vermont#overview

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