Wellness Workshop for People and Pets

Past event
Aug 12, 2018, 10 AM to 6 PM

Altus Healing Arts, Chelsea, VT
August 12; or September 9; or September 22 10AM-6PM

If you and/or your pet would like to improve your quality of life and have more energy and increased wellbeing, then this course is for you! Or if you are well and want to age well, this course is for you!
You will learn in this one day workshop how to assess why you or your animal are not feeling well, discover why these symptoms are there while you practice "energetic vital signs" with numerous charts for discovery created by Karen and choices of therapies to heal..
At the end of this workshop you will know that all healing is self-healing!

This workshop will include the following topics and practices:

Medical Chi Gong: Activating the Healer Within
How to use 2 "Energetic Vital Signs", the gateway to life answers
Whole Foods Nutrition and the microbiome/gut health; aging well with life-style nutrition
Emotional Freedom Technique for People and Pets
Crystal & Color Therapy Healing
How to get well and age well!

Cost: $99.00, which includes:

A 35 page e-workbook (PDF) written by Karen to be read prior to class .
An energetic tool
Supplies for making a crystal prescription
Cost of crystals vary from free to $25.00
Pouch for People
Pouch for Animals ($12.00)

Karen Eddings, RN,MHN is a professional member of American College of Lifestyle Medicine and has been in a private Wellness practice for several years. She is a Wellness Warrior who enjoys coaching People and Pets in creating a mind/body that heals itself.

E-mail Karen with questions at karen@kareneddings-wellness.com or register on her web site: www.kareneddings-wellness.com.
Coming in October; Stress-less Be-well with Self Care Workshop
Private sessions available

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