SPEAK OUT! on Mental Health Issues: Wed, Aug 8, 1:00-3:00 at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 108 School Street, Bennington. Disability Rights Vermont and VCIL will be sponsoring a SPEAK OUT on mental health and other disabilities. PAIMI (Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness), part of Disability Rights Vermont, will be in town to hear your concerns, struggles, wishes and aspirations concerning mental health and other disability issues. We need your input to make lawmakers aware of the issues and to help find legislative solutions and to direct legislative activities. Events are free, but registration is required to ensure enough materials and seating. Participation is open to people with disabilities, their care givers and allies. These are scent- and chemical-free events. Please let us know if you would like an ASL interpreter by 8/3/2018. To register, for more information, or to request accommodations, contact: Lynn Mazza, 802-442-1876, lmazza@vcil.org