It's time to start thinking about BASEBALL/SOFTBALL!
If your child is interested in playing either baseball or softball this year and they are a Johnson resident then they should plan to sign up with us soon! We will be available for sign-ups at the Johnson Elementary School on both Wednesday and Friday (2/12 & 2/14) evening this week at 5:30 PM in the gymnasium. You can come sign up before you see the performance of The Little Mermaid or on your way out after picking up your children from JES Connections. Registration will be $20 per child ($60 maximum per family) with the option of fundraising to earn your fee back. If you can't make it to registration please contact me for a form as registration will be closing March 7th! If you are interested in being a coach or helping on the field please come prepared with a copy of your drivers license. See you all this week!
Posted on behalf of the Johnson Recreation Committee
Mar 12, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Used Book Sale March 15Mar 15, 2025, 9 AM to 1 PM
Zine Book Club: Freedom is a Constant StruggleMar 15, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM