Two adult workshops offered in one day! Tuesday, July 31 at the VTC Randolph Campus, Red School House Building. Professional development credit available. Choose one or both workshops. Free to Childcare providers and PreK teachers. All others $35 for one workshop, $50 for both. Includes pot luck lunch and door prize raffle.
Contact or 802-431-6203 to register.
9:30-10 registration and snacks
10-12 Process Based Art with Toddlers, PreK and Early Elementary Students: Learn how to foster process over product in your classroom through a variety of engaging techniques to creatively explore materials. Move beyond hand print art to authentic, child centered experiences that promote experimentation.
12-1 Potluck, networking and door prize raffle
1-3 Trauma-informed and Trauma-sensitive Art Facilitation for Early Educators: Explore the meaning of trauma and the difference between being trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive. Creative expression can thwart the adverse effects of trauma. Learn how the use of movement, singing, playing simple instruments, drawing and other "making" activities can play a role in healing from trauma.