On August 15, the State Board of Education is holding an Act 46 meeting at the State House, Room 11, in Montpelier to discuss whether to force a merger of our school boards, against our consent. The schedule for us is as follows:
10:10am-10:30am: presentation of the Washington Central Supervisory Union towns in support of keeping our school boards
11:45am-12:15pm: public comments on whether to keep our school boards
All six of the school boards in our Supervisory Union (Rumney, Doty, Calais, Berlin, East Montpelier, and U-32) and every state legislator and senator for our five towns support keeping our school boards and oppose a forced merger. Yet, the Agency of Education disregarded this and recommended forcing us to merge into a single board, against our will and without our consent.
Please come to the State House at 10am on August 15. We need a big turnout that morning to show the State Board that we support keeping our school boards. You don't need to say anything--you just need to be there. Numbers matter. Thank you for considering this, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call me anytime at 224-1065. -Kyle
Feb 4, 2025, 9 AM
Flexible Pathways to Graduation Evening - Feb. 4Feb 4, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Qigong Movement ClassFeb 6, 2025, 5:15 to 6:15 PM