Town Forest and School Wetland Planning Session

Past event
Jul 26, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

Help plan for the future of Woodbury Town Forest and Elementary School Wetland

What: Vision and Strategies Public Workshop for Woodbury Town Forest
Where: Woodbury School Library
When: Thursday, July 26th, 7 – 8:30 PM

The Town of Woodbury will be hosting a public workshop to explore the vision and strategies for the Woodbury Town Forest. Woodbury was selected as one of 10 communities in Vermont to receive a grant from The Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program. This grant program assists Vermont communities interested in addressing issues and opportunities in the use and stewardship of their town forest, town forest recreation, and stewardship plans. Our community's feedback—provided through the first public workshop and community survey—has been incorporated into a draft vision for our town forest and actionable strategies to achieve that vision. This workshop is your opportunity to offer input on the draft vision and help prioritize strategies for the forest. Your input will help ensure that our action-based town forest recreation plan aligns with our community values and that the strategies reflect the town's priorities for implementation. Also included in this study are possibilities for the future use of the Woodbury Elementary School wetland. Hope to see you there!

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