Primary Election Candidate Night/Livestream July 25

Past event
Jul 25, 2018, 7 to 9 PM

For most the upcoming August 14 primary election candidates are very much a mystery. How many of us know the names of our six Chittenden County senators, County sheriff and Probate Court Judge or our state representatives much less challengers?

Thanks to Neighborhood Planning Assemblies for Ward 4 and Ward 7 whose meeting occurs next Wednesday, July 25, a two hour candidates night starting at 7 pm presents a rare opportunity to see at least 18 candidates who have already signed up (any more who attend will be allotted time!) including many countywide and statewide make their appearance.

As NPA 4/7 has for a year now live-streamed their meetings you can not only watch in real time, but also submit questions. The event is live-streamed at the NPA 4/7 facebook page:  It will also be covered by Channel 17 CCTV.  Of course you can attend the event live at the Miller Center 130 Gosse Court. Refreshments and conversation at 6:45 pm in the large community room.

Here is the format:

District Candidates 
State Senate Candidates 
Judges - Sheriff & High Bailiff
State-wide and Federal Offices

Introduction time per candidate will be 2 minutes during your group. Once all introductions for your group are complete, the remaining time for the block will be Q&A (questions from the community). 

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