Make a Noise for Social Justice Make a Noise of Joy and Resistance
with the Goddard College Community Chorus
Neighbors, community members, staff, faculty, alumni, students, children and family members, are ALL WELCOMED to join us for a "sing in" launching
The Goddard College Community Chorus!
This is the beginning of a college wide happening!
Come one and all for the first of what we hope will become a regular monthly "sing" in the Haybarn. Vocal stretching. Movement play. An engagement with our rich legacy of spirituals, folk, freedom and protest songs, radical World Music, and Great Turtle Island song traditions. Special guest artists. You. Us. Gathering in the venerable traditions of bearing witness, remembering, honoring, celebration, and community building in song. This is what social practice looks and sounds like!
According to the Ashanti proverb "If you can walk you can dance. If you can talk you can sing." You don't have to be "a good singer!!!"
Just bring your passion!
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
The Haybarn
4-6 PM (Early bird specials but Come drop in when you can!)