Wallingford Rotary Lobsterfest and Silent Auction

Past event
Aug 26, 2018, 4:30 to 7:30 PM

The Lobster Festival and Silent Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year and will be held this year, as always at the Wallingford Lodge at Elfin Lake in Wallingford, Vermont on August 26, 2018. The event attracts approximately 125-150 community members who enjoy a lobster dinner with all the trimmings on the shore of beautiful Elfin Lake. We have a silent auction during the event to raise additional funds for our community causes as listed below.

The proceeds from this event locally to support our community projects for children this year will be split will be used in our communities to support the Wallingford Rotary's work with area children including high school scholarships, our annual Wallingford Bike Safety Day where each child who comes is given a free new bicycle helmet fitted just for them, Project Dictionary where each third grade student in our communities' schools of Danby, Wallingford, Tinmouth, Shrewsbury and Clarendon is given a new dictionary/thesaurus to keep as their own, our annual Fishing Clinic and derby and Youth Exchange with international rotary clubs providing local students an opportunity to experience a year living abroad with a host family as well as our support of the Haddassah Girls Empowerment Project in Uganda which helps young women learn job skills to be self-supporting and free from abusive relationships.

Please purchase your tickets today! $30 per person gets your choice of lobster or steak with all the trimmings!
Contact Tammy at 259-3711 for tickets or email tammy.heffernan@mac.com.

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