Two adult workshops offered in one day! Choose one or both workshops. PD credit available. Free to Childcare providers and PreK teachers. All others $35 for one workshop, $50 for both. Includes pot luck lunch and door prize raffle. VTC Randolph Campus, Red School House Building.
Contact or 802-431-6203 to register.
9:30-10 registration and snacks
10-12 Process Based Art with Toddlers, PreK and Early Elementary Students: Learn how to foster process over product in your classroom through a variety of engaging techniques to creatively explore materials. Move beyond hand print art to authentic, child centered experiences that promote experimentation.
12-1 Potluck, networking and door prize raffle
1-3 Trauma-informed and Trauma-sensitive Art Facilitation for Early Educators: Explore the meaning of trauma and the difference between being trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive. Creative expression can thwart the adverse effects of trauma. Learn how the use of movement, singing, playing simple instruments, drawing and other "making" activities can play a role in healing from trauma.
Mar 5, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Fly Tying ClassesMar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Free Film: Join or DieMar 8, 2025, 2 to 4 PM