Please join us for a community conversation facilitated by Trish Alley and Holly Wilkinson of WholeHeart Inc., inspired by Krista Tippett, Host of OnBeing, a Peabody Award-Winning Public Radio Conversation. Take time for your well being and to connect with neighbors regarding topics of concern and care through deep listening practices. Share your wonderings and questions, your listening and learning. Tuesday July 17, Tuesday, July 24th, and Tuesday, July 31st at Fellowship Hall in Greensboro from 9:00 to 10:30 am. Come to all three sessions or when you can. Each session will stand on its own. To register and for more information, contact Holly Wilkinson at: As one participant expressed last summer: "Hope Reimagined was a respite in an exceptionally stressful summer. I didn't realize how much I needed the time to reflect on topics that are both larger than myself and essential to me. Best of all was the opportunity to share my reflections and hear those of other thoughtful people."