"The Photographer's Workroom is celebrating its first year together by holding an Artist Pop-Up Exhibit at the Art Barn, 2313 West Hill Road, Stowe. The opening reception will be Saturday, July 14 from 4 – 6 pm. Free and open to the public. All are invited to attend. Following the reception, the exhibit itself will remain open on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, July 15-29 from noon until 4:00 p.m. Other times may be arranged by appointment by contacting Marcie Scudder at marcie@marciescudder.com.
Featured artists include: Nancy Banks, Christie Carter, Rosalind Daniels, Angelina Erbmann, Robert Fahey, Kay Jostrand, Marcie Scudder and Maryellen Sullivan.
You can see more of their art at: photographersworkroom-vt.com
Facilitated by Marcie Scudder, and in collaboration with Helen Day Art Center, Photographer's Workroom was conceived as a study in project creation and portfolio development. Emphasis is on photography as process and practice, while using the camera as a way of seeing. As a self-taught photographer, Marcie is a believer in the discipline of creative practice as a means of connecting with oneself, uncovering personal voice and vision."