Rvusd School Meeting (Dover+Wardsboro)

Past event
Aug 6, 2018, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

The August meetings for the RVUSD School Board are on Mondays: 8/6, 7 p.m. at Wardsboro Elem. School; 8/20, 7 p.m. at Dover Elem. School. Both meetings are important, because the RVUSD Board will be making decisions about the new unified district and the Board will work on finalizing policies on school choice. The meeting schedule, updates, and the minutes and full BCTV and YouTube videos of past meetings are always on www.rvusd.net.

At two meetings, one in June in Dover, and one in July in Wardsboro, WCSU Superintendent Bill Anton outlined two options for the RVUSD Board to consider for the new unified school district. Anton emphasized that his slide presentation, which is available at www.rvusd.net (no sign in required), is a starting point for in-depth discussion. By the end of August the Board will be deciding on a plan for the school system, with the administrative guidance of the WCSU, and then the Board do the hard work of making a school budget in order to have it on paper by the end of this year. This budget comes up for a vote at the River Valleys Unified School District Meeting in February 2019 for the school year 2019/20.

The Board invites parents and guardians of school children, voters, and taxpayers to participate in the activities of the Board at any of the open public meetings. It's easy to stay up to date on all the planning for the unification of school governance for these two towns by going to the website www.rvusd.net. Questions and comments are always welcomed at wcsu.media@windhamcentral.org, or by contacting a Board member directly.

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