Our summer programming continues this week with a couple of ongoing favorites and some new programs that you won't want to miss!
Tuesday 7/10, 10am - Rob Z./ Sally's Music Circle - Bring your favorite little kid for rambunctious music and movement
Tuesday 7/10, 3pm - Ban This Book! w/Chris Naylor - Learn about banned books with Chris Naylor. The Whys and Wheres....how many can you find in the library? Great for upper elementary and middle school aged kids. Two-part series, July 10 & 11
Tuesday 7/10, 6pm - Pins & Needles with Beth - come start an embroidery project and work on it throughout the month
Great for older kids through adult (we'll be doing a sewing workshop for the younger set next week).
Wednesday 7/11, 10am - Stories & Art with Kathy - Listen to a story and make some art; it all ties into our musical theme of Libraries Rock!
Wednesday 7/11, 3pm - Ban This Book! Part 2 w/Chris Naylor - Learn about banned books with Chris Naylor. The Whys and Wheres....how many can you find in the library? Great for upper elementary and middle school aged kids.
Thursday 7/12, 10am - Stories & Art with Kathy - Listen to a story and make some art; it all ties into our musical theme of Libraries Rock!
Thursday 7/12, 3pm - LEGO Challenge w/ Ms Fjeld - Love to build and engineer? Join Ms Fjeld for an afternoon of LEGO challenges!
Friday 7/13, 10am - Rob Z./ Sally's Music Circle - Bring your favorite little kid for rambunctious music and movement
Friday 7/13, 3pm - Catapults w/ Sue! Make your own catapult; how far will it fling?
Saturday 7/14, 10am - Kids' Music w/ Ethan Nelson - Join Ethan for a fun musical morning! Great for the whole family.
Check our website and Facebook for more fun upcoming events!