Hopeful Heart Joins SUDEF Event!

Past event
Feb 9, 2014, 2 PM

This Sunday, Feb. 9th 2-5 p.m., at Essex Cinemas join us for a art filled, informative afternoon to Benefit the Sudan Development Foundation. Four local artists will be selling their work...photography, jewelry,"upcycled" wooden ware, and pottery.... (good timing for valentine's gifts!) 25% of all sales will be donated to SUDEF. Also, raffle tickets of which ALL proceeds goes to SUDEF.... thank you to our kind and generous donors: Essex Cinemas, Poorhouse Pies, Sweet Clover Market, Pendleton of Essex Outlets, Doris Weeks, Leunig's Bistro.... MORE! multiple showings of "Grace Under Pressure", many representatives for SUDEF to share their experience and information.... snacks and bevvies of course! We hope you join us for this wonderful afternoon....

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