OK! Next Saturday February 15th be at Maple Corner Store at 1:00 sharp for the cutting of the King Cake made by the fabulous baker Jessie Smart! If you get the piece of "King Cake" with the plastic baby inside, YOU become the King or Queen of Mardi Gras!
The Parade follows the cake with lots of color and beads and a Mardi Gras band! If you would like to be in the Parade ******Come On Down****** if you have a cool car, snow machine, crazy outfit etc. it takes a village to make a great parade! ( it also takes spectators and bead catchers! ) Then immediately following the parade everyone goes to Curtis Pond for a curling tournament, a biathlon, hockey games, skating and other fun stuff. These are all amateur events and everyone is welcome to join in!
Maple Corner Community Center pays for hot dogs and hot chocolate to keep us warm, along with a bon fire on the ice. ******please bring your christmas tree and or any clean wood that you can spare for the bon fire****** Artie provides festive Dixieland Music. This is a wonderful, colorful family event! Don't miss it!
For more info contact Maple Corner Store at 229 4329 ***Really Bad Weather Date is Saturday Feb 22***
Feb 5, 2025, 4:30 to 6:15 PM
Cabot Candidate Forum ThursdayFeb 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Re: River Stories of Barre Community: Young & OldFeb 11, 2025, 5 to 7 PM