Basic Self-Defense Workshop by Taekwon Do Kicks

Past event
Aug 4, 2018, 1 to 5 PM

Basic self-defense class for teens, women and men. This course will cover basic self-defense situations like wrist grabs, chokes, bear hugs, against punches and possibly knives if time permits. This teaches simple effective techniques using the strongest parts of our bodies to the most vulnerable parts of the attackers. In addition to learning effective physical techniques your voice will become louder and more affirmative in setting verbal and physical boundaries & you'll learn to trust your intuition. No previous martial arts experience needed. This is going to be a very type course that anyone at any age or ability can participate in. This course is open to pre-teens through adults (boys/men and girls/women). Fee is $40 per person or $70 for two people. Scholarships are available.

Instructor: Master Kellie Thomas is a 5th degree black belt in ITF TaeKwon Do and is the owner of TaeKwon Do K.I.C.K.S. of Middlebury & Vergennes. Master Thomas has more than 15 years of experience teaching self-defense techniques. Please check out our website at

If this date doesn't work - 3 other workshops scheduled: Saturday July 14th in Middlebury; Saturday July 28th in Hinesburg and Saturday August 11th in Orwell.

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