We are pleased to share with you that we are hosting our second annual "Artist as Designer" exhibition, demonstration and sale at the Jeremy Ayers pottery studio at 18 Elm in Waterbury Village (behind Prohibition Pig). This event is held in conjunction with the Waterbury Arts Festival waterburyartsfest.com on Saturday July 14th from 10am-4pm.
At this exhibition you will find handmade, functional and timeless products that bring art and design to the home and daily routine.
Functional products and art objects made from clay, leather, linen, wood, glass, paint and fine gold and silver will be on exhibit and for sale.
Artists will be demonstrating an active process from their medium during the exhibition.
The artists in this event create artwork, products or objects that balance high quality design with functionality and are meant for everyday use.
This event is family friendly. We'll have play and art stations set up for kids all day.
Facebook event page is here: facebook.com/events/577182819343405
We hope you can join us!
Artists/Designers 2018:
Jeremy Ayers Pottery jeremyayerspottery.com -
Soor Ploom: women and children's Clothier by Marissa Buick
soorploomclothier.com - instagram.com/soor_ploom/
Vermont Farm Table by Jessica and Dustin Glasscoe
vermontfarmtable.com - instagram.com/vermontfarmtable/
Made of Cloth textiles by Marta Sulocka
madeofcloth.com - instagram.com/made_of_cloth/
Rebecca Haas Jewelry; rebeccahaas.com -
200 Lemons: watercolor paintings by Megan Weaver
200lemons.com - instagram.com/200lemons/
Mustache and Mohawk: handmade leather bags by Tony Cobb
mustachemohawk.com - instagram.com/mustachemohawk/
Unbound: handmade leather notebooks by Andrea Cerrilla
unboundshop.com - instagram.com/unbound.shop/
Alluvial Forms: sculptural glass and ceramic art by Alissa Faber
alissafaber.com/alluvialforms - instagram.com/alluvialforms/
Espresso and Libations:
Petit Noir Espresso and Coffee - instagram.com/petitnoir.coffee/
Farmers and Foragers: beer, wine and cocktails - instagram.com/farmandforagevt/
Mar 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Land Management Made Easy Forum Led by VTSU StudentsMar 12, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Tabletop RPG at the LibraryMar 15, 2025, 11:30 AM to 2 PM