Hinesburg Driver Kills Fish

Past event
Feb 11, 2014

Have you ever wondered where all the salt, grease, oil, antifreeze and other car drippings left on Route 116 go? Don't worry, you'll have some time to think about it the next time you're stuck in traffic at 5:30pm trying to get home or stop for dinner. Newsflash - most runoff goes untreated, directly into streams leading to the LaPlatte River and finally into Lake Champlain (at Shelburne Bay). Not only does this pollution foul up our fishing, but it just happens to discharge in the same area where the Champlain Water District pulls drinking water for about 69,000 people in the Burlington area. Perhaps it's time we try to clean up our act a bit? Perhaps we can find ways to treat our road-related stormwater at the same time we are improving traffic flow to address the parking lot that can be Route 116 at peak times on some days?

We'll be talking about strategies to do just that at the Route 116 Corridor Study community forum on Tuesday evening (Feb 11) at 7pm at the Town Hall. YOU are invited. Drop by - the traffic will have cleared by then. For more information about the project, check out the Planning & Zoning page of the Town website (www.hinesburg.org) or give me a call.

Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg
www.hinesburg.org - Planning/Zoning page
802-482-2281 ext. 225
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461

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