1958 Room - Simpson Hall
Thursday June 28th
This lively exploration of soil biology and healthy plant metabolism will rouse every gardener and fruit grower to think deeper. How mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant health is absolutely stunning. Nutrients are delivered by means of "fungus-root" synergy. A boost to green immune function helps keep disease at bay. Expansive fungal networks bring resiliency to ecosystems. Soil aggregate formation addresses carbon flow. Yet for the longest time, we have ignored basic soil biology and instead disturbed ecosystems at our own peril. Time to change all that, and fast!
Michael Phillips, a holistic farmer and writer (Mycorrhizal Planet, The Holistic Orchard) delivers insight into the invisible world beneath our feet. Mycorrhizae is defined as fungi that grow in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic relationship. These fungi manage the "underground economy", making nutrients available to roots, facilitating communication between plants, and even protecting plants against disease and pest pressure. Join Michael Phillip's as he explores the complex science of how to make plants and their fungal partners grow.
Jan 30, 2025, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Dog Man Party at the LibraryJan 30, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
Free Literacy EventFeb 1, 2025, 10 AM