Ward 8 School Commissioner Report

Past event
Jun 26, 2018, 6 PM


There will be a Special School Board Meeting Tues, June 26, at Champlain Elementary School at 6 PM.

The agenda will include a Public Forum at the beginning and as always you are welcome to make your comments to the Board. The agenda also includes a discussion of resolutions that the Burlington Board will submit for adoption at the VSBA membership assembly. The Superintendent will be updating us on elementary class sizes as there are two teaching positions that are yet to be assigned.

The Board will be discussing its Governance Policies on Superintendent Performance, Board Job Description, and Board Code of Conduct.

At our June 12th meeting the Board approved the long-planned Edmunds cafeteria/gymnasium renovation project to enhance the physical education program at EES, provide accessibility with an elevator and accessible entrance, and provide better security for the complex. The Board created committees as a means to do the work of the Board (gathering data, engaging the community, preparing Board initiates, investigating issues, etc).

After much debate, the Board decided to halt temporarily the pre-school plan work for greater community engagement, information gathering about the student needs, and research other options for pre-school space. Clearly, universal, free pre-school for all our three and four year olds is critical for the early success of all our children. Our private providers are unable to meet the needs of many of our children due to the need for special licensure of teachers, special equipment, and the financial burdens. However, they are important collaborators in serving our three and four year olds. BSD licensed teachers do travel to and work with students on plans in private day care facilities. Students on plans and those from low economic circumstances are also provided free district transportation on our buses with adult supervision other than the driver of the bus. Enhancing our pre-school opportunities is an important initiative for the school district. I supported the pause to ensure greater community support. We, the Board, need to do our due diligence.

I appreciate any thoughts you might have.

Keith Pillsbury

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