Rad Gubernatorial Candidate Forum

Past event
Jun 30, 2018, 5:30 to 7 PM

Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland Vermont, 117 West St, Rutland City

Details: Join Rights & Democracy and the Rutland NAACP for a gubernatorial forum and a special guest speaker - Our Revolution's president Nina Turner! Democratic candidates Brenda Siegel, Christine Hallquist, James Ehlers, and Ethan Sonneborn will be available to answer your questions about what they'll do for you and Vermont as governor. Rights & Democracy has also reached out to candidates Keith Stern and Gov. Phil Scott to attend. Gov. Scott has declined their invitation.

Also, hear more about Rights & Democracy's statewide Community Survey that they're using to hear what issues matter most to folks around the state.

Take the survey, bring your questions, and join us to help educate the candidates on the issues that matter most to us. Because ... Whose Vermont? Our Vermont! http://www.radvt.org/june29_rutland

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