Learn to Curl Clinic at Gutterson (GMCC)

Past event
Jun 26, 2018, 7 to 9:30 PM

Have you ever wanted to try curling? Do you wonder what the yelling is all about? The Green Mountain Curling Club (GMCC) will offer a Learn to Curl Clinic open to anyone who wants to try their hand at curling. This is your chance to try one of the fastest growing winter sports in the USA!

LOCATION: Gutterson Fieldhouse (@ UVM, 147 Spear St, Burlington, VT 05405 )
DATE: Tuesday, June 26, 2018
TIME: 7 to 9:30 p.m.
COST: $20. (US$)
TO REGISTER: Fill out the registration form to reserve your spot:
Experience Required: NONE

What should you bring?
All equipment will be provided, including brooms and sliders. Participants should wear warm, loose fitting clothing (think stretchy pants).
Be sure to bring clean shoes with you—don't wear them prior to arrival so that the soles are clean (we try to keep the ice clean of all debris). The shoes should have a good grip (running shoes are fine), and please do NOT wear flat soled shoes or anything with a raised heel.
You will need to wear protective head gear for this class. You can either bring a helmet with you or can use one of the club's. Gloves are also recommended.

What will you do?
• Get an overview of the game and on-ice safety
• Learn delivery basics (how to throw and sweep the stone)
• Play a mini-game at the end of the instruction
• The session will begin with a brief off-ice introduction, followed by ~2 hours on the ice with instructors.

Send check or bring the day of the event payable to: Green Mountain Curling Club (or GMCC)

Mail to:
Mitch DeHond, GMCC treasurer
202 Old Stage Rd.
Essex Junction, VT 05452-2522

Fill out the registration form to reserve your spot.

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