Anyone and everyone is invited to join our local churches for a shared, ecumenical outdoors worship service on July 1st at 9:30 a.m. at United Church of Underhill (UCU), located at 7 Park Street--the Harvest Market Church! In addition to UCU, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Jericho United Methodist Church, and Calvary Episcopal Church are participating with the theme, "Together in Worship, Together in God's Work." We know that our communities and country and world are divided right now, but we want to be the model and the change we want to see in the world: celebrating and working together. Join us for this great opportunity.
Remember, too, that this is, as all our worship services at our churches are, a FAMILY FRIENDLY service. Bring a blanket, lawn chairs, whatever you want to make your family comfortable, and let your kids shout for joy, run around and have fun, however it is they want to make the service meaningful.
-9:30 a.m., United Church of Underhill
-Rev. John H.D. Lucy of Jericho UMC will be preaching
-Family Friendly
-Joint collection for local ministries: Our Community Cares Camp and Essex-Jericho-Underhill Food Shelf
Any questions, please contact Rev. Lucy at or 899-4288. Hope to see you there!
Mar 11, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Maple Theme Cooking Decorating ClassMar 13, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
American Legion Riders' Annual St. Patricks Day PartyMar 15, 2025, 7 to 10 PM