Join us again this Thursday for a Dharma Talk by Brian Joshin Byrnes and Pot Luck Supper with the Sangha, starting at 6:00 at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community, 3958 Route 30 in Cornwall. All are welcome. Free. (Donations accepted.) A wonderful time to meet the neighbors and to welcome our newest resident practitioners to the Zen Community. They are a very fun and interesting bunch. Bring a plate to share if you like, but if you can't, come anyway, there will be plenty. This week we'll conclude our series of talks on True Belonging. Weather permitting, we'll use the Red Barn for the first time for meditation, the talk, and socializing. Help us welcome the barn into our practice. Everyone is welcome at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community. Bring a friend too. (PS Please carpool if you can as parking is a bit limited.)