Saturday, June 16....7:30 pm
O'HAnleigh Irish American Band....This Middlebury trio with traditional Irish Folk style is injected with US immigrant influences producing music with depth and character. Each song has a tale to tell. Tom Hanley, Becca Hanley, Doug Riley and Cindy Hill all play a multitude of instruments, their individual vocals and harmonies are superb. They awaken the Irish in all of us, with a repertoire of over 200 reels, hornpipes and slow airs played on everything from penny whistles to a sizzling Irish fiddle. O'HAnleigh draws on their ancestral roots and diverse musical talent to entertain audiences with the lively and haunting rhythms of Irish and Irish American culture. Tickets...Adults, $8. Seniors & Students, $6. Sponsored by, Melly & Joe Flynn, Kathy & Bob Clark, Phyllis & Ken Torrey, Dr. Ben Lawton.