I encourage and hope to see people like Robert Foley who researches and knows more about the issues that I definitely do, at the meeting tonight and wonder how many people know about our Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA) community meetings that happen usually the first Thursday of the month at the Greek Orthodox Church at 7PM. Come to think of it, I don't remember these NPA advertised on the FPF. If you want to ensure you won't miss the next one, please email neilgroberg@aol.com and asked to put be on the email list. Here's some of what will be discussed tonight, 2/6.
$9.6 million The amount of TIF money that the voters will be asked to approve for the waterfront projects- CEDO's Nate Wildfire and Mayor Weinberger will discuss.
$12 million. The amount Burlington Electric is seeking in revenue bonds in order to purchase a hydroelectric power plant on the Winooski River- Burlington Electric's General Manager Barbara Grimes will present.
4.86%- the increase in taxes the City is proposing- Mayor Weinberger will discuss.
10% - the increase in taxes the School District is requesting subject to other funding - School Commissioner Alan Matson will discuss.
8.26% - since the City and the School District’s increases are calculated on a different number this is the combined tax increase- all accountants and actuaries are welcome to the meeting to explain this one.