Hello, neighbors! My wife and I are hosting a 5 part documentary film series at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center on Sundays from 5-7 PM. We will show Simon Schama's The Story of the Jews. The series concludes this Sunday, June 10th with the episode "Return" (The Holocaust and the creation of Israel fundamentally change what it means to be Jewish.)
Series Summary shortened from the PBS website: Author, documentary-maker and Emmy-Award winner Simon Schama hosts this five-part documentary series for PBS. It follows him as he travels the globe, exploring the imprint Jewish culture has made on the world. The series is a personal journey for Schama who has been immersed in Jewish history since his postwar childhood; a meditation on its dramatic trajectory, and a macro-history of the Jewish people's mark on the world. It draws on centuries of diverse primary sources, and Schama talks about the turning points of the recent history with living witnesses.
Thank you! We hope to see you there.
Mar 8, 2025, 12 PM
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