Lamoille County Meals on Wheels and the Civic Center is hosting a blood drive this Friday from 12-5 pm, 24 Upper Main Street in Morrisville. FREE Amazon gift cards for donors!
Annual Meeting:
The Annual Meeting of the Lamoille County Civic Association (LCCA) is open to everyone and will be held Tuesday, June 12, 2018, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, at the Lamoille County Civic Center (LCCC), formerly known as the Lamoille County Senior Center. The LCCC is located at 24 Upper Main Street, Morrisville, Vermont, next door to Cumberland Farms. Any individual may become a member of the LCCA by paying a yearly membership fee of $5.00. This membership fee goes toward paying the operating costs of the building.
Anyone interested in being elected to the Board of Directors, or for more information about the event, please contact Gloria Wing at the Civic Center at 802-888-4301.