City Hall Park Committee Meeting June 6!

Past event
Jun 6, 2018

The last City Hall Park Ad Hoc Committee meeting will be Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 PM in Conference Room 12 (lower level) at Burlington City Hall. We need you there standing with us as we continue to push toward our goal of saving 12-15 trees out of 32. OVER 200 PEOPLE have attended park planning meetings, written letters, attended development review board meetings, called and emailed the mayor and City councilors, all saying they wanted to see the City protect the existing trees in the Park.

This past weekend we watched crowds of happy residents and visitors in the Park. Particularly, we watched people sitting around the temporary Jazz Fest stage, listening to music. Guess where they were sitting? In the shade of the mature, beautiful trees in the park, where they could enjoy the cool breezes and find relief from the hot sun. We don't want an open, exposed, hot, permanent performance plaza, we want a cool green Park that provides a respite from the heat from our warming planet. This weekend showed we can have plenty of entertainment in the Park without cutting down trees.

If you cannot attend, please send emails to the City Councilors and the Mayor letting them know that you want a modified design that protects more trees. We can keep the park GREEN.

Thank you.

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