Street Meditation: How to Calm Your Mind at Any Moment:
Thursday, June 14, 1:30-3:30pm, Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse, 108 School Street, Bennington. People facing adversity embody grit, ingenuity, determination, and courage. Here, Jennie Schoerke will share information on a key tool she has used for calming the mind in the face of adversity: meditation. First, you will hear a few facts about meditation – including about meditation and the brain – and you'll be invited to try a basic technique while simply sitting quietly in a chair. Then, you'll learn two different strategies for calming your mind in any real-life situation that suddenly upsets you.
The Presenter, Jennie Schoerke was born with a disability whose impact was underestimated by professionals for over four decades. But once addressed, her life improved markedly. Jennie wants to become a social neuroscientist and who investigates the impact of hearing loss. Jennie holds a BFA in Medical Illustration and is a Certified Peer Specialist, former Project Director for Vermont's Mental Health Transformation Grant, and text editor for Leiden University's Focus On Emotions Research Group under Carolien Rieffe PhD. Jennie has studied Zen, Shambhala, Vipassana, and mindfulness meditation for stress management. She practices calming her own mind so she can fight injustice as effectively as possible.
This a free event, but registration is required to ensure enough supplies. It is designed to honor people with disabilities, and all are welcome. For more information, or to request an ASL interpreter by June 8 or for any other accommodations, contact Lynn Mazza, at or 802-442-1876.