Saturday June 2 is National Trail Day, and East Montpelier Trails celebrates the day by hosting a trail maintenance morning. This year our awesome volunteer coordinator, Dave Webb, will focus on building more Trail Head sign structures. Dave won a grant from Outdoor Gear Exchange to build signs for all of our trail parking spots. The work will take place at Dave's house, starting at 9 am. Just call Dave at 279-2198 for directions.
If you love walking our town trails, or want to find out where they are so that you can experience them for yourself, come help out on Saturday June 2. Not all the tasks require skills with a hammer or saw. You will have fun meeting other trail enthusiasts and will feel even more connected to the trails by making your own mark.
Feb 23, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Paul Miller and Jess O'Brien in Adamant Feb. 23Feb 23, 2025, 3 PM
Coffee with School Board MembersMar 1, 2025, 8 to 10 AM