Bird Walk

Past event
Jun 2, 2018, 7 to 9 AM

Women and Our Woods – Seeing the Forest for the Birds
Saturday, June 2
7:00am – 9:00am
VLT Hill-Robert property in Starksboro. Parking will be at the end of Russell Young Road in South Starksboro.

Do you or your family own a woodland? Are you curious about what birds are singing in your woods or how to enhance habitat for these fine feathered friends? Join fellow women woodland owners, Vermont Land Trust (VLT) forester Caitlin Cusack, Lisa Sausville with VT Coverts and Barry King, teacher and naturalist, for a bird walk at the VLT-owned Hill-Robert property in Starksboro. This 72-acre property was donated to VLT by Constance and Jean Robert in 1986 and has a suite of interesting natural communities, including rich northern hardwood forest and a seepage wetland. We'll identify birds by sight and sound, observe these unique natural communities, and learn about VLT's plans to integrate timber production with songbird habitat. All of this in a laid back and fun environment. Coffee and breakfast goodies to follow.

Co-sponsored by Vermont Coverts and Vermont Land Trust. Preregistration encouraged as group size is limited. To register contact Caitlin Cusack / (802) 861-6504

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