In celebration of National Trails Days, Saturday, June 2, 2018, Shires Outdoor Adventure & Recreation (SOAR) and the Bennington Chamber of Commerce invite everyone in the Shires of Vermont to join us on the trail. We are holding a series of group hikes at several of the region's most desirable locations. Hikes range from a strenuous 6-mile trek from Woodford to Bennington over Bald Mountain, to a family and stroller friendly stroll on the lovely George Aiken Wildflower Walk at the Bennington Museum. Also included are hikes at
- Lake Shaftsbury State Park
- The Robert Frost Trail
- Merck Forest
- The Ninja Path
- The Manchester Rail Trail
And because one trails day is not enough, there is also a mountain bike trail event on Sunday, June 3, at the Bennington Area Trail System (BATS).
Times, places and other details can be found at
This small sampling of our area trails draws attention to the abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities in and around Bennington. Whatever you desire in outdoor recreation, from hiking and biking to fishing and hunting, our trails lead the way to the natural paradise that is the Shires of Vermont.