Learn more about CarShare Vermont and how we can help you ditch that second car, save money, and protect the planet! Swing by 135 Charlotte Street on 5/31 between 7-8:30PM for drinks and dessert with your Five Sister's neighbors, and find out about a special membership promotion we're offering to attendees. Let us know if you can make it and feel free to bring a friend, neighbor, or co-worker along with you!
If you are a current member, please come to let your neighbors know how easy it is to use our service. Our neighborhood is lucky to have a car close by, but if our neighborhood car doesn't get more use, the car may get moved. So, we need to hear from current members and potential new members!!
Please RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/carshare-vermont-house-party-tickets-46196488942 Thanks, and hope to see you there!
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